Join us every weekend as we explore stories together
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In partnership with

Available until Spring 2025
Collect your Womble Walk Passport from
Kingsley & Co
Ykids (98a Linacre Lane)
Gateway Collective (North Park)
or download your trail sheet below

Great Uncle Bulgaria has broken his rocking chair and asked Tobermory to fix it for him, but he doesn’t have the right parts.

All the Wombles want to help and have gone to search in North Park for some useful rubbish that people have thrown away.

Thank you for supporting our move
Due to the redevelopment of the Strand Shopping Centre, we have now relocated to an alternative location. Luckily, we haven't had to move too far, in fact we have stayed in the Strand - The former NatWest Bank on the front. We are really excited and are looking forward to a bigger and even better Kingsley&Co experience for you all.
Our community chain to move our books, was a huge success. Hundreds of people joined us, including school children, local businesses and our valued community